Juli 02, 2014

Stämme I Trunks around Lago Maggiore

This set of photos was made June 2014 in the Italian part of Switzerland, Ticino / Tessin.  My stay was "sponsored" by my DFFB film student collegue Iren Biro Bucher who invited me to stay in Ascona at the Lago Maggiore. She also gave me a  Nikon Coolpix P5000 as a gift! I love it, because it is very light to carry around and also younger than my Olympus Camedia E-10. Mille grazie for everything to Iren Biro Bucher.

The sculpture stands tall in the inner open yard of a small apartment building and can be purchased through a gallery.
Who needs to create a headless woman nowadays, I was wondering, but I also titled this photo "Identify" and used it as my fb portait photo for a while:-)

Palmenstamm / Palm Trunk
Ebba Jahn 2014
Schweiz-Asiatischer Bambus / Swiss-Asian Bamboo
Ebba Jahn 2014

Stämme aufgelöst von Wasser und Zeit /
Trunks dissolved by water and time.
Baumstamm in Pastell / Trunk in Pastel
Ebba Jahn 2014

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